Which pool has this sort of protection? I bet none to very few.
I think we need to all pick 1 or 2 pools and throw our hashes at them. I have a total of 7 KH/s on mro.extremehash.com right now. I also have 1 KH/s on pool.cryptoescrow.eu. But there may be better ones.
As a community, we need to vote. Then the winner of the vote get's our hashes. But the winner needs real protection which costs real money. IMO, if a pool can't spend money upfront, then the pool should not be started.
We do not have our servers online with a 3rd party hosting service.
No one has tried to DDOS our pools, at least not that I am aware of, and if they have they have been unsuccessful.
Wolf' has verified our servers are secure and firewalled. If anyone wants more information feel free to ask or pm me.