- Intel Core Duo, 4GB RAM, 80GB 7200rpm drive - 2-3 days
- Intel Core Duo, 4GB RAM, 60GB SSD - 3-4 hours
- AMD A8, 6GB RAM, 120GB 7200rpm drive - 2-3 days
- AMD A8, 6GB RAM, 60GB SSD 3-4 hours
...so I think the HD is the bottleneck. All were on Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit, and all of the rpm drives were older repurposed drives. Maybe a new rpm drive would be better but I haven't tried. Syncing is something any coin has to do at first and if the coin has been around, it will take some time no matter what. Once it's synced, RAM, HD, and CPU use are minimal.
Thats a huge difference in time. Is that just how slow those old hard drives were are all around or is there something unique about the way the blockchain is written?
Compare the numbers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IOPS#Examples
Some optimization work to reduce the amount of redundant data being written to the database may help, but the main thing is that HDs are just very slow for this type of workload. I don't remember if write batching during sync was ever implemented (it is used in the import utility) but if not that may also help.
That explains it.