You might want to read this -> the lazy ones:
If Bitcoin adds confidential transactions like Adam Back has been talking about, what value will Monero really have to offer above and beyond Bitcoin?
Fluffypony's answer:
To paraphrase Greg Maxwell, the creator of Confidential Transactions, CT does nothing to hide the "transaction graph", or "transaction metadata". Unfortunately, cute terminology aside, the transaction metadata is the very thing that reveals your transactions. How much you donated to Terribly Racist Slighly-Left-Wing Party Inc. is irrelevant, the fact that your donation can be traced back to you by your boss, your government, your friends, your coworkers, is a Pretty Big Deal^tm.
About the best Bitcoin could do is implement Confidential Transactions for every transaction, and then implement some sort of exceptionally well designed CoinJoin system (one where participants cannot be revealed even through Sybil attacks) on a protocol layer, enforced for every transaction. And even then, in spite of the terrible blockchain bloat that would occur, they'd still not have solved the issue of transactions being linked to IP addresses...
My additional answer:
First of all, bear in mind that the Confidential Transactions that were proposed for Bitcoin only hide amounts. Thus, sender/receiver addresses are still visible and therefore it doesn't solve linkability nor traceability problems.
Additionally, it doesn't hide metadata. This problem will be mitigated/solved in the future by Monero with I2P integration -> &
u/fluffyponyza posted a more detailed reply about this a while ago: (which I unfortunately have to post later, I posted it on a site which is down currently and have no other way of finding it).
EDIT: If you want more info regarding untraceability, unlinkability, how Monero works in general and comparing Monero vs Bitcoin, watch this vid -> The comparison starts at 13:00.