All right, I am going to clear some things up here with respect to the bolded part. First of all, the hardfork code (the one that implements the recommendations from MRL-0004) is implemented into the new binaries (0.9). As a result, everyone who uses the new binaries will use this new code with the recommendations from MRL-0004. So it won't take six months before you can use these recommendations. However, after 6 months these changes will be enforced and thus everyone will be using them. But, as 0.9 is a significant improvement over I guess almost everybody will be using the new binaries. Furthermore, if you compile yourself from the latest commits you will also use this new hardfork code. In addition, after 6 months there will be a new hardfork code with new recommendations and new binaries. So for example, in April they will release binaries 1.0 (guessing here) with hardfork code 2.0 and everyone can use that already. So in conclusion, only the enforcement happens in 6 months, it can already be used when the new binaries are released. I hope this clears things up.