I think you are expecting too much.
You pretend a perfectly balanced, economically, ethically, morally and philosophically pondered decision to be made in the very moment an event of tectonic dimensions takes place in the altcoin world. At a time where nobody, apparently not even the ETH devs have really understood what is going on, much less a bunch of exchange reps who are given no information about the nature and possible cause of said event.
If you were to read the rest of the log you would see how that unfolds...but you know that, right?
[4:47:08 AM] Tristan D'Agosta: It is much more likely to cause market panic if the blockchain is considered unreliable
[4:00:11 AM] Tristan D'Agosta: Disabling trading is about as extreme as it gets. Why are we being asked to do this? Is it only to prevent the attacker from cashing out?
[4:02:25 AM] Tristan D'Agosta: We need to know why before we do that -- we may have a better way of addressing the issue
plenty more where that came from to show that none of the exchange reps present in that chat just did what Vitalik Leninowitsch Butlerin told them to do.
You have the heart in the right place but your wrecking ball method is fucking annoying and has been for a long time.
Anyway I have no time for off topic troll wars.
ON Topic: XMR to da moon!
EDIT: for what it's worth I fully agree with you that exchanges should never halt trading as long as there isn't some serious issue with the blockchain itself!
I didn't ask for perfection-on-the-fly, which is an unreasonable expectation.
I asked for predetermined, optimal rules and principles to be created. Such heuristics may help even (perhaps especially) in scary, surprising, acute, unpredictable, fluid situations.
Polo needs a better approach than "LOL let's just make snap decisions under enormous pressure when something happens and see how it works out." Especially when so many shitcoins they list (*cough* MAID and DASH *cough*) are overdue for DAO-type epic pwning.
I told you exactly what I think and you:
A. concede my heart is in the right place
but (contradicting yourself) also
B. flamebait by insinuating I'm trolling.
If the rhetorical bombast here too much for your delicate sensibilities, you may find the lighthearted fun-and-friendship emphasis over Dogecoin is a better fit.
Don't you think Polo should eschew moral hazard and confirm they will never (again) halt trading as long as there isn't some serious issue with the blockchain itself?Or is that asking for perfection?