So seems to me maybe 'drama' ramped up kinda when right after Fluffy sort of went off the rails...? Coincidence?
Come again?
Also interested.
I'm not gonna expand on this other than to say, guys... LOOK: for ME at least Fluffy ain't the same FLUFFY he was at the beginning. "Something" changed. Not least being his extreme pro-Core alignment stance (and YES this is WHY I ain't gonna "get into this" because I don't want it to trigger yet another god damn divisive shitstorm of BTCvsBCHvsEveryDamnOtherThing in cryptoverse that this shit ALWAYS triggers...)
I just think SOMETHING is GOING ON that we cannot SEE.
And it's because MONERO REALLY IS A THREAT. Isn't it?
OR am I just delusional imagining shit that ain't really there? Crypto GHOSTS haunting me???
P.S. Maybe to put it another way: the FACT that there has NOT been any clear apparent ATTACK against MONERO yet so far as we can SEE... to me, must MEAN there is some ATTACK happening that we CANNOT SEE! The alternative concept that there simply has been "no attack" YET seems to me... impossible.
I can't necessarily say i disagree (or agree for that matter). It's pretty hard if not impossible to find out what's going on in Monero without plugging in an email address somewhere these days. People are naturally going to feel left out and i think that draws a lot on what I've mentioned a few days ago, where the question of 'Is this by design?' came up.
Reddit is absolutely downright painful. IRC channel has no public logs available (at least none advertised) so it's hard to tell what happens at the primary channels of communication. Chans are about as garbage as ever.
As far as being in bed with core .. whole different ball park and having real access to primary sources in which to found reasonable opinions on, like those found in IRC, would be massively beneficial in discussions going forward.
Now I suppose I can go and fuck with some service to get good logs and not summaries that i gotta pay for but id rather just type in monerologs.com and have them spit back at me in a readable and linkable fashion.
But maybe that would be too efficient, maybe then people would begin having discussions of too high quality? Maybe someone wouldn't like that?
Imagine the power of being able to instantaneously view logs, as primary sources of information, in order to prevent accusations of intentional obstruction of information..?
I dunno sounds like a neat project for someone not wanting to deal with horsehit rules like 'oh there's no constant logs here for your publicly decentralized cryptocurrency we're the kinda folks who don't like that'. Because monero's going to be illegal and monero's never going to make it and you need to pay your taxes and we totally listen to all of those guys right?
But of course now monero becomes factually worth more than freenode and yet we continue to draw the line at some yahoos running a freenode server's opinions without actually ever trying to a) change that opinion or b) disregard that stupid opinion as it's costing people time and effort. I mean if reasonable people trying to enter the community can't look back and see where it came from that would piss me right of .. and currently does so maybe theres a easy way to figure out how to do that but even starting now would be missing four going on five years of history so ouch already.
Obviously this is bearing on too much information to write into a single post so maybe ill go post it somewhere else cause it's getting long .. just tldr: [logs of] primary sources of information are too hard to come by as they are, and not having the ability to see them is hurting not just me. So what can I do?