Looking at the big picture, I would say XMR is the most evil cryptocurrency of date. I've never witnessed a lower-level bunch of twisted sociopaths use every neuron of their brains to figure out how to make the world a worse off place for their benefit. Theyre truly no better than the likes of Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo.
But yeah I know, if you make a lotta money, regardless of how you made it, you're a legitimate pimp, right??
If you cause more harm to the world than good, you're a shit person. And that best summates the entire XMR development crew and their rabid brainless hooligan following. If you knowingly cause pain to others for your own gain, you're not even a modern human. You're just an neanderthal ape, guided by those shitty reptilian instincts which occupy a farther bigger portion of your brain than the normal, decent human being.
judgmental much there? There's your clue on what to work on. Poor tormented soul.