Or atleast tell them how much mininum amount you want to accept so they won't spam your email with their offers (if you changed your mind and would sell Yolodice)
Here's my thinking: YOLOdice is not for sale. Definitely not to a random unknown buyer. I can image a few scenarios in which I would consider selling YOLOdice, but I don't think it would be an easy process. As you can imagine, it's not just about the money.
Since people are withdrawing I can hear a lot of complains about withdrawal fees. It's been something I've been fighting with since day 1. BitcoinCore fee estimations suck in a big way - for some reason the developers have chosen the worst possible way to do it, based on historical data and not the current state of mempool. I've been trying to use external services (btc.com) for fees, but this ended pretty badly because their API was very unstable. Since I am not fanatic about improving BTC I did not want to dig into the actual BC code and fix it, so we have to live with that for a few more days :-/
Edit: replaced "fanatic" with "not fanatic". sorry about the confusion.