In addition to what the gambling expert says, one can stop gambling by getting rid of everything that triggers gambling thoughts in their mind or by altering their route to avoid gambling establishments.
If someone is capable of doing that, he will undoubtedly be able to overcome his addiction to gambling with time. People get addicted to things when they have easy access to them or when they have something that reminds them of it.
Since the majority of people find ways to increase their wealth, quitting a gambling habit will never be easy and requires a well-determined mind to follow through.
I agree. I think quitting an addiction isn't easy as it requires strong dedication from the gambler and often the assistance of others IMO. I believe the first step is to try to eliminate thoughts of gambling or anything that motivates you to gamble and just make sure to remove these from your mind. Also I feel like by engaging in real-life activities unrelated to gambling and keep yourself occupied with positive endeavors throughout your day would be really good to overcome it and quit it at the end.
Those which have overcome an addiction often say it is the hardest thing they have ever did, and it is not difficult for me to believe them, after all the internal struggle they must feel should be tremendous, as they have a huge desire to gamble but at the same time they know that if they do it then they will keep a cycle going on from which nothing good comes out, however it is likely that overcoming an addiction is becoming harder as on the past there were many countries in which gambling was considered illegal and now gambling is everywhere.
I say that each person is always waging their own fight and for that reason everyone deserves respect, in fact when talking about an addiction, we don't know or have any idea what that person is going through, the addiction and the way to attack it must vary Depending on the person, according to their personality and tastes, things are not so easy, because sometimes you have to know how to attack the addiction, sometimes it is not just trying to stop thinking about the game, or what motivates you to play, sometimes it's not that, because it's very difficult for one as a person to say, I'm not going to think about the game anymore, because otherwise something is activated that won't let him out of there, I think that above all, there are always many solcunes, and that you should try to take the best one, also if the player has friends, because the friends should become a total support, but not a cvcargar, this is something that should be considered because otherwise there is no way for the affected person to get out of that hell.
There are times when people who are old are silent and they can't do anything other than keep it there to prevent people from finding out and that it becomes something worse, it is something that is always avoided, that's why it is sometimes difficult. It is difficult to see which people are addicted or not, because there are some who hide it so well, that their life can be torn to pieces, but they do not show it, obviously the casino and the addiction in the casinos are not well seen by the cayria of communities and societies in the world, perhaps because everyone believes they are perfect and their mistakes are not seen, but the fact of recognizing that there is a problem, that helps a lot, because you can help and if there are no friends who do not want to help, they exist other people who are willing to help for free, the idea is that the person's life is not thrown overboard.
When they get over it, well, they have to prove even more that they've been overcome, they can play but not fall into addiction, I think that's the biggest litmus test.