What are you mining with? (Check 'primes/second' under the mining tab)
My i7 (1760 p/s) is averaging about 4/day but my i5 lappy (570 p/s) hasn't scored in 3 days.
Don't quit - BYC is aiming WAY beyond the current cryptosphere and could be worth enough that 1 coin a week will be WELL worth mining for in the not-to-distant. As with Zeitcoin, look to the long term
It's being suppressed right now by those who are afraid of it,(We all know how that feels!) but with only just over 1/4 million coins in circulation it won't be long before they are all in the hands of people who aren't dickheads. I have 2,300 so I'm actually a bigger bagholder there than here, thanks to having enough ICO coins to mine 24/7 with 3 CPUs in the early days when difficulty was low.
I just downloaded myself the bytecent wallet and started mining. I have a 4790k at 4.6ghz and im only getting around 2200 p/s. According to the bytecent site i should be getting more like 2500-2600 (there's a spot where people posted their results and someone with a 4770k at just 4.2ghz got over 2400 p/s).
Any ideas? Oh well. At this rate i can almost double my 11.7m zeit holding in 30 days (if my 10 sec calcs were right that is)
PS: How are you getting 4byc/day? At my 2200 p/s (2100ish while surfing the web) it tells me i got 77 chains per day, putting that into http://byc.axel-b.fr/calculator tells me id get on average only 3.1byc/day and your p/s is a good chunk below mine.
The numbers on that thread are mostly from the early days, when the difficulty was lower - it does say there that they should only be used 'comparatively'. (Comparing various CPUs against each other)
Your actual rate also depends on what else you're using the PC for. Mine can vary from 1600 - 1850 these days depending on what else I'm doing.
Axls' 'mining calculator' is also known to be pretty inaccurate, I don't think he took increased difficulty into account either
The devs are working on having an accurate mining calc included in the wallet for a future release, I believe.
One very important thing to get your head round is that solo-mining works very differently from pool mining - some days you'll get a few coins, some days you'll get none at all. Probably the biggest thing to understand is that BYC should NOT be thought of in the same way as ANY other coin out there.
We're breaking out of the box & aiming for the stars!
Do you know of ANY other wallet that's on Softpedia?
How easy was it to d/l, instal & start mining compared to any other coin you've ever mined?
Really, you should getcha ass over to coinblab for future support, this is the Zeitcoin thread after all
P.S./E2A - Just did a screenie to show I'm not shittin' you
I think we get the message.
What are you mining with? (Check 'primes/second' under the mining tab)
My i7 (1760 p/s) is averaging about 4/day but my i5 lappy (570 p/s) hasn't scored in 3 days.
Don't quit - BYC is aiming WAY beyond the current cryptosphere and could be worth enough that 1 coin a week will be WELL worth mining for in the not-to-distant. As with Zeitcoin, look to the long term
It's being suppressed right now by those who are afraid of it,(We all know how that feels!) but with only just over 1/4 million coins in circulation it won't be long before they are all in the hands of people who aren't dickheads. I have 2,300 so I'm actually a bigger bagholder there than here, thanks to having enough ICO coins to mine 24/7 with 3 CPUs in the early days when difficulty was low.
I just downloaded myself the bytecent wallet and started mining. I have a 4790k at 4.6ghz and im only getting around 2200 p/s. According to the bytecent site i should be getting more like 2500-2600 (there's a spot where people posted their results and someone with a 4770k at just 4.2ghz got over 2400 p/s).
Any ideas? Oh well. At this rate i can almost double my 11.7m zeit holding in 30 days (if my 10 sec calcs were right that is)
PS: How are you getting 4byc/day? At my 2200 p/s (2100ish while surfing the web) it tells me i got 77 chains per day, putting that into http://byc.axel-b.fr/calculator tells me id get on average only 3.1byc/day and your p/s is a good chunk below mine.
The numbers on that thread are mostly from the early days, when the difficulty was lower - it does say there that they should only be used 'comparatively'. (Comparing various CPUs against each other)
Your actual rate also depends on what else you're using the PC for. Mine can vary from 1600 - 1850 these days depending on what else I'm doing.
Axls' 'mining calculator' is also known to be pretty inaccurate, I don't think he took increased difficulty into account either
The devs are working on having an accurate mining calc included in the wallet for a future release, I believe.
One very important thing to get your head round is that solo-mining works very differently from pool mining - some days you'll get a few coins, some days you'll get none at all. Probably the biggest thing to understand is that BYC should NOT be thought of in the same way as ANY other coin out there.
We're breaking out of the box & aiming for the stars!
Do you know of ANY other wallet that's on Softpedia?
How easy was it to d/l, instal & start mining compared to any other coin you've ever mined?
Really, you should getcha ass over to coinblab for future support, this is the Zeitcoin thread after all
P.S./E2A - Just did a screenie to show I'm not shittin' you
But how many more times are you going to a clog up Zeitcoin pages with Bytecent material?