It's a step in the right direction.
How much 'due diligence' have you managed to do though ZeitCoin?
30mil Zeit's quite a lot, what's it going to be used for, when's it going to be dumped, how much experience do they have, what are their skill sets....
Other questions that have yet to come to mind
Including with being the official sponsor they are giving me a seat on the board of advisers to ensure this is handled correctly. I do not receive anything from doing this but I can help control and govern to ensure they are keeping best practices in mind. This for me is more important than profiting it is to ensure we can stop the craziness in this industry.
I am excited to be able to be part of something the crypto community needs very badly.
You could be stark raving mad but they only call you 'mad' until you do something that proves your a genius. I've sent you 5 million to help us along the way :O). I'm still in the 'mad' bucket.