Ok you take care of that.
on a more serious note, what new tech is worth anything more than hype.
Masternodes are nothing more than taxation of the poor by the rich
Onchain Anon does not really work because of cross referencing
Smart Contracts are not legally binding
So exactly what tech do you want to see added?
What ZEIT is ,
Energy Efficient
20X BTC Presegwit Onchain Transaction Capacity
Example: China may ban BTC mining , which would severely damage BTC security.
For the Chinese ZEIT Users , if China were to Ban ZEIT Staking,
all the Chinese person has to do is move their ZEIT wallet to a VPS in another country.
How much do you think it is going to cost to move those warehouses full of ASICS?
ZEIT is the future , and time will show that to all.
I do agree the more exchanges the better,
however no one in their right mind is willing to pay $12,000 bucks to bittrex to get listed.
@oleksii777 , you make suggestions , but did you even contact coin marketcap to ask them why they have not added the ZEIT/LTC & ZEIT/Doge parings on Trade Satoshi, that is two more markets right there that for some unknown reason CMK has refused to add to our market listings.
Now just to be clear, I am not trying to blame or guilt anyone into anything.
Everyone should only do what they feel led to do.
But at the same time , everyone that pops in here and acts like ZEIT is sitting on a fortune 500 budget to hire 100 developers or spend $50,000 on marketing should re-access their reality settings.
Starting Old Man Rant.
What pisses me off is the assholes that act like we are not growing and not succeeding.
A few years ago , we were not even worth a satoshi.
Our MK was only $20,000 and we only had 1 exchange.
A few years later, we are worth between $1 & $3 million bucks and over a satoshi in price with 6 exchanges and growing.
So for the detractors that keep popping in crying we are not doing anything.
Well Dammit, what we have fucking done is make the price of your ZEIT coin a hell of alot higher verses fiat that it was a few years ago.
Why this keeps getting lost in understanding, beats the hell out of me.
Some asshat yesterday , whined at me there was only $24,000 in buy wall at 1 sat, considering our marketcap was only $20,000 a few years ago, I consider us doing damn good.
ZEIT is slow and steady , it is not a pump and dump.
No one sees these kind of gains in the real word, and it is really just starting.
To all of the asshats that can not understand this, just go buy a lottery ticket.
End Old Man Rant.