I have no idea who's right or wrong here, but DirectBet is seriously
asking someone to upload their passport to imgur wtf?!! Is that a joke?
Peeps Place, I suggest that you consult with an independent Bitcoin security firm before making ill-informed calls and spreading false allegations on DirectBet, because it sounds like you lack the knowledge and understanding of Bitcoin security.
That's unnecessarily condescending.
He placed this bet using Bitcoins that he already spent in another transaction as you can see here :
That is completely irrelevant. ~47 hours earlier, the user (or the wallet service he uses) unsuccessfully tried to relay a (very large 3323 byte) transaction with 7450 satoshis of fees. Not surprisingly, it didn't confirm, nor propagate nor had any chance to do so.
https://live.blockcypher.com/btc/tx/89be96f6cecf47de065ea152b3d1bd969047cb282c61a4c30d82d78e38ef1ddd/In addition, the transaction was sent with significantly low fees, more than 20 times lower than recommended !
Now why would anyone send $16,500 bet and not be willing to pay even 1 cent in fees ?
There is only one reason. This was done on purpose to give him the option not to pay for this bet in case it loses.
No one is sending $16,500 transfer without even 1 cent in fees and with coins that were already spent elsewhere, unless their intentions are fraudulent.
That's not true. I have dozens of support tickets per day of people who use misconfigured wallets or wallets that send too little fees. It's a huge stretch to go from "small fee" to "fraudulent intentions".
When you bet on our website you accept our terms and conditions.
In our terms and conditions we clearly state that if your bet transfer is double spent, it may be confiscated. This is no hidden secret.
The above clearly shows that this was a fraudulent double spend attempt.
Not really. I wouldn't say this constitutes a double-spend attempt. As you note transaction 89be96f6cec.. was sent with very low fees, which would have facilitated a possible future double-spend (if the bet lost)
These kind of double spends do not occur by mistake. They are done on purpose
That's 100% demonstrably false. All we saw here was a wallet that tried to tried to send with too little fee and the transaction didn't confirm. blockchain.info's wallet for instance must do that hundreds of times a day. As you may have noticed, bitcoin blocks are full -- what do you think happens to the transactions that never confirm? They're resent..