Looks like the Lakers will not name their 2 positive players which were diagnosed last March 19. Don't know the reason or maybe to prevent further panic and stress on these players but what do you think guys, is it necessary to name these players? For me, yes and no. YES, because teams must always be open to the public and NO because they assuring that they are following the protocol to contained these players.
They really should. It ain't a shame but to save more people.
What if this 2 guys forgot where they had been while they are already carrying the virus.
If they will broadcast it there is a chance someone will remember they got near this two and save their lives when checked.
It is really that big of a company to cover this all.
Gobert, Mitchell and even the Knicks owner was revealed, so why not them? It's BS. Is one of them Lebron?
If its necessary that they will be revealed, then I guess the NBA would reveal the names.
These players have covid-19, they are sure under monitoring now, and for sure they stay at the hospital until they will fully recover.
The Lakers management has the responsible to make these players recover and to keep themselves quarantine to ensure they'll not infect other people.
If this is Lebron, I think they'll announce that, that would make a big headline to the NBA.