They are making this sport look bad, it's gonna be between SMC vs MVP, I guess they should allow more teams to be added, just like the MPBL, more teams would make it better as it would result in less manipulation. If they want this league to be more successful, then they should start thinking of a change, it doesn't look good now to be honest, people are smarter and they know what's going on inside the league.
It's not as simple as you think. The market in PBA is so big that it can reach lots of people for the advertisement so a big money is needed before being allowed to be part of the PBA team (in case of expansion). And those organizations should prove that they can shoulder the cost of managing a team.
In 2019, Alaska owner says the cost of maintaining a PBA team is around P85 million and that’s just the basic operating expenses of a team that isn’t performing well. That cost is built around salaries of players, the coaching staff, and members of the support team: Practice players, ball boys, medical personnel, therapists and statisticians. Then there are the other yearly expenses like team uniforms for games and practices, training equipment, scouting equipment, rental of gyms for practices, allowances for out-of-town trips, food before and after every game and practice and other things that may crop up like medical emergencies.
linkThat's the reason why before being allowed in the league, a company or organization should have at least prove their financial capability.
It's different from MPBL.