But these titans were previously online, so it's not really like it's new hashrate. Perhaps idle for a while though.
I don't know how many of them were new in the box vs how many were online at one point. I know some of them were new old stock. So how much pressure we are going to see on diff is a question mark at the moment.
as getting 6 nos knc 400mh 5 cube titans as my share for 1900 each with shipping I can state my guesses
1) knc kept it quiet so they could get the titans back they were mining in the data hall..ie caught by surprise by higher ups bankruptcy annoucnement imho
..thus with cameras/security/liens etc
only way to get the equip back was to bid on it..thus why the no info on coindesk (sam cole gets on there all the time) no info on their Swedish
asic miner thread former sales thread ...zippo
.....we found out by accident asking about broke stuff we wanted to bid on that may have hit the trash heap but we thought...the old RMA stuf in the back...
maybe no one even knows what a titan is there anymore from the staff turnover from 2 years ago etc..thus the law firm got a copy of this (again
the standard sales/customer support/sam cole email on their main page all does not work ..i tried myself.....as a 2nd aside to compare info I got NO
replies....the first ask about this stuff we were afraid would get tossed also included kurt's old tech email...that musta got thru...thus they had it
all locked up imho. We won the 1st auction of 24 due to this and shocking them was a closed bid auction the last 2 auctions were open bid and knc
proper imho walked in and took the works..cause they could see whatever was bid and just up'd it at 160 full size bid lots .ie tried to take it all got most.
2) at 400k for both auctions knc got approx 190 working 400 mh titans back I say...IF I can ROI in 5 months or so at 14.6c kwh per titan at knc's
supposed 4c kwh rate they can get this 400k back in like 3 months probably..so they HAD to bid in that it was trapped in the data hall you can
make big bucks on titans yet at 4c kwh imho was a no brainer had to keep it quiet and had to go for it all to get it back
3) they really really hate the IPO guys they stuck on the data halls etc investments....if they would have opened it up the sale to the world on these units imho would have gone
for much more...but being knc this his how they roll imho......just happy we escaped knc's Sargon's all seeing eye and got out of Mordor...we got
crushed in last two auctions..including the 3rd one which was partially working dross stuff and rma's but being dump and stupid and lucky fell into
the first one ..won it...spent the next two weeks while they struggled with the paperwork venting law firms to vent the bankruptcy law firm etc..(I now
have google street map skills of varous yuppie lawyer type addresses in Sweden....more useless skills lol)
Anyway KNC ...I WIN you dicks.....you are bankrupt.....I'm still minig and killing it...so there (putting aside the fact they have sock'd away millions of $$$
so don't bust my bubble I need a win here) anyway in denial or not I'm calling it a win...knc proper is out of business ...I'm still killing it on Titans so its a win in my book..
delusional though that may be...gonna go with it as my end game to knc's end game
hell at least we were a 'little bit of sand in the gears' on their plans.....anyway again calling it a win (but then again being evil we are still looking at 20% damage
rate on shipping and how it was put together with parts by temp workers ..and of course all cubes 120 or so have to be re-done due to crummy/wrong thermal paste
from what we can tell by heat compared to our regular cubes..but hey this is KNC we kinda expected that and was reflected in the bid of 1900 with shipping each...
so still calling it a win damn it)
knc...we do evil well! (tm knc)
er sorry kinda drifted off topic here but hey the OP started it POINTS AT OP!
but back to on topic of much MORE concern is HOW many A4 units are already out in the world to their IPO investors (assuming they got some as they asked) who have first dibs
Also innsilicon being a 'chip manufacturer" and its main reason to do these 14nm chips was to get it funded by IPO $$$ and asic chip/unit sales...thus when asic's all go away
as a chip manufacturer....they can use the infrastruture for NON asic 14 nm chips in the future ..a win win imho
so the concern to wrap up this rant ..if they are just in it to make chips and the more chips you make the more profit you make per chip and IF they are not gonna have their
own data hall (which limits how nuts you go releasing asic chips in the world....why wiz in your own profit pool)
THEN if the above is how it plays...these A4's are gonna (or the bulk chips also) gonna be more common then 'toasters' in the world soon especially if they got a nice
new 14nm equip process up and running for no cost...it will be balls to the wall baby .....A4 chips for everyone (shudder scared myself have baby Titans to nurture yet )