South Park is right, if you can't rely on yourself to beat your gambling addiction there will never be a solution for you, don't go around looking for a solution when you are the only one that can get your problem fixed, I don't drink and I don't do smoking, and I keep wondering how people get addicted to such things because they are not something that sweater the tongue, the first time I tried them out I was like what the hell? 😄 but yeah this is gambling which is different, money making easily get anybody addicted, either the right way or the illegal ways.
I do know someone very close who was addicted to gambling, he lost his life by suicide and the letter he wrote is so sad, he so much believed in gambling as the only way to get is life together and gambling took everything from him, gambling addiction is something that affects the way gamblers think, do not get in such corner.
You don't have to plan a life changing solution with gambling, it's not good for your health and for your future, there is assurance that you will lose, that's why it's called gambling, I think people should try to understand what gambling is before they start thinking that they can get rich through gambling, I have never had such thought in my head and I will never do that to myself.
For want of a better analogy, imagine a bulldozer in your lawn destroying everything you hold dear. Achieving victory? Yeah, try taking a road trip by yourself without a GPS. People can become addicted to a wide variety of things, and the "why" behind this is a potential treasure for understanding. Though smoking and drinking weren't your thing, remember that to someone else they may be the equivalent of a warm blanket on a chilly night. Gamblers? They could like the excitement, the opportunity for quick money, or the shared experience. It's not so much that one's "taste buds go wild" as that one's vices acquire an irresistible pull on one's personality.
The story your friend told you is heartbreaking; it's a stark reminder of the destructive potential of gambling addiction. It begs for the assistance of an expert. Successful treatment may involve talking it out, CBT, or even medication. And certainly, learning the ropes of gambling before diving in is essential. It's a gamble with substantial potential for loss, not a surefire way to get rich. Play it calm and calculated, fellow netizens, if you're going to ante up at all!