So the larger question is, why is what AT does so interesting for you all?
Drama. Plain and simple. The eternal human struggle with greed, fear, hope, ignorance.
Bitcoin theater ...
And it is a perfect storm of drama.
A stage - set with highly competitive start ups racing to see who produced the best miner and lasts more than a year
The actors of this scene - are a bunch of accountants that know bookkeeping, and maybe project management but know nothing of manufacturing. They develop some IP and offshore 90% of the work. Because they aren;t familiar with the manufacturing space they do not know how to market products to customer.
The characters - They are reactionary, spiteful, fully of hubris, and desperate. So very Shakespearian.
It is wonderful to watch.
Its refreshing to see someone so insightful.
The Zues thread in ltc forum is giving me a headache to read most people there don't understand why GAW miners are coming out faster and are crying. They miss the point where GAW ordered well before them and miss the point where because of that, GAW got their machines well before any of them kinda like some of the people here wondering why alpha is not on that list from china manufacturers in a secrete meeting..
Forgetting that alpha may not be in china but in the UK and that Chinese meeting was for Chinese manufacturers that need to come together because they are bloody good business men, its proven and they are doing the smart thing because some of them maybe the opposite to what you're suggesting is they are great at the manufacture line but terrible at projected outcomes..
These are only guesses based on cultural background
but how far am i from the money.. Fact remains though that a large part of Chinese manufacturers are selling in hand stock! and the rest of this space needs to play some catchup but i hope these bedwetting miners learn to just stop, wetting the bed because it is most annoying.
I see china creating a cartel (in my opinion it would be similar to the families that created the fed in America so they wouldn't have to compete with each other!), a powerful one which may or may not be good for miners but it sure as shit will put pressure on these startups to start taking more of the risk..Hell in theory taking more of the risk from retail grade consumer in my opinion would be better for them as a company because they wont have so many bed wetters making a run at the bank type deal when things don't turn out like delusions they fed themselves.
I see it as extremely detrimental that 100s of noobs not understanding a thing all start wanting refunds!