Im considering to open a case against cityaddresses via MCOL. One guy from Austria (my homecountry) wrote me, that he also used cityaddresses to forward mail and he received his court-mail. So finally he went to the hearing and won his case.
In Sept 2014 I asked cityaddresses for status, so is there any new mail as i expect mail from MCOL? They answered, that theres is no mail and that they forward mail within the same day of receipt. So what happened then? I got TWO MCOL-documents in ONE envelop after 5 working days (usual delivery time from UK to AT).
So i filled form N180 and sent it to MCOL timely, and they transfered my case to the Manchester county court (17th sept 2014).
Since then i havent heard anything. In November i asked cityaddresses again for status, no answer, nothing.
1 month ago I asked again for status, nothing, no answer.
I also asked the court via their e-filing e-mail address twice (November 2014 and 2 days ago). I asked them, if i can help? If i have to send more documents? If they need anything from me? If they sent anything to me? No answer, nothing.
Unfortunately my spoken english is very very bad (not really existent), so i cant communicate my problem via telephone, dont have any practice
, and this is the reason, why i requested an interpreter with form N180.