lets just face it people
anyone who is into this community and knows anything about scrypt mining enough to make an asic would be posting CONSTANT updates, because anybody who knows anything about this community and the whole bitcoin community in general knows it starts here...on this forum. this is why they announced their "development" and "presale" and whatever...here. now if your going to be a real member of this bitcoin/altcoin community as a company and as innovators in making scrypt asics, than surely you would at least have someone with the knowhow enough to realize that they need to keep this community updated and should have people ready to respond to questions immediately through email, pms, whatever, it should be a single persons job to do all of this. i mean we are giving them TONS of money...AMIRITE?
don't disagree but "fence sitting" is what I'm doing.....have like 20 some days to go on their timeline to refund or like 35 days or some such on paypal timeline to punt out
so yeah we also serve who wait and skulk on here
if anyone from alpha is on here
1) add pics of the actual team members to your team part on your site
2) invite someone to come by your offices in England for a chat that may be able to on this forum
3) explain your strategy (ie as knc did) on your relationship with the chip design frim in India ..ie is it a partnership or are they just a contracter?
what is your ideal timeline in stages or should I say "pivot points" on your timeline you'd like to meet time wise? How flexible you are on getting the last
70 percent of the $$$ is it dependent on you keeping up with your timeine? stuff like that
4) get someone from your company to answer questions on here regularly...even if they have to say that can't answer some ....better then a void
Again you have probably 30 days before everyone 'bails' or 45days max on paypal to show some progress in video with "real people" on the video and it
would also be nice if pics on team site match pics on video stuff like that
5) last point with butterfly labs scam (ie 1year late) and hashfast scam (late since oct 31st) as bitcoin asic failures with only a few asic mnfg's actually
pulling off timelines like KNC etc as bitcoin asic examples...I'm sorry but you are really gonna have to up your game in this forum..unfair thou it may be..due to others
who have scam'd the bitcoin/litecoin community
anyway imho all of htis is needed or i see at least 1/2 of your paypal customers pulling the plug within the 45 day window...which i'd assume would be very very bad if
you are legit and all on your timeline and delivery estimates
my 2c worth