If you're asking that question, then don't order.
My opinion is that GPU mining is still profitable - break-even after 4 months with five 280x cards per rig. And after you break even your rig still has very good resale value.
These guys are unproven, the tech they are trying to make is unproven, they don't respond to questions via email, they dont even look at this forum (so it seems).
Take the money you would have spent on these guys and build yourself a GPU rig. By the time Alpha-T HOPE they will deliver, your GPU rig should be free, clear and paid for having already returned your investment.
(above based on my own rig building costs and assuming stable exchange rate and 10% reduction in profitability per month)
lol ya funny how before pre-sales went up their were updates all the time...uh...oh...
making scrypt asics requires lots of memory which is VERY expensive, MUCH MORE COST than any bitcoin asics. and that is proven technology now, this is still new. these guys must have got some really good deals on some hardware for their prices...maybe from a flea market??
good luck people