Ah, I'm not too worried about who ships first, and who doesn't. Honestly, let's say one company ships tomorrow and noone else does for a month, at _best_ these people are going to get a week or so before their ASIC's jack the the difficulty up to the point that the cycle is going to be back to 2 weeks per difficulty adjust. Will it be nice payoff for those folks? Sure, but everyone should have assumed in their RoI calculations that they very likely could have not been in the first round. If you've cut your return on investment calculations so close that you can't stand to get an ASIC a month or two later than other folks, then you're crazy.
The key thing is in the long term, it's going to be power/performance that wins the day. Yeah, some folks might get a leg up for a month or two, but a year or two down the road it's going to be whoever is the most power efficient that's still mining, not who got their ASIC's a month early.
Regardless of what happens, I think we're in for a wild ride over the next 2-3 months...hold onto your hats folks.