Looks great thank you, added to the front page.
Users without a RasPi can test it on an emulator here
How ironic for you to acknowledge this one but not the one I posted in Aug 2016 already. 808 is dead anyways.
and in this thread
Sorry i do not run that thread, probably why i missed it being posted earlier. I do not think 808 is even close to being dead. Haters going to hate, Bassheads going to appreciate the 808.
I am not a hater. I was a supporter because I like the entertainment of POS coins with eccentric emission curves and that is also why I made the Pi wallet to stake that curve and find its sweet spot. It is challenging, like the pit stops of a Formula 1 race. It is all about timing.
There was about 2 BTC to make in 808 up to roughly 3 months in after which it slowly died down. The emission curve for this one only had a life of about 4 months. I must say it was very exciting but there is nothing in it anymore due to the high POS percentage.
Also, you disappeared for several months which is not nice of a dev. You are most welcome to prove me wrong and in fact I challenge you to prove me wrong. There are many people that still have 808 and they would love if you put all your effort into 808 and make something out of it. I am very skeptical though and actually 99% certain of my statement based on alt-coin history and trends.