Hi Everybody,
I hope you're all having a great weekend!
I'm happy to inform that have been testing the first version of the ADZbuzzer and the share feature is working great.
Currently it's only activated on our testing site as we will now commence to change the design so it'll be fun and exciting to visit ADZbuzz every single day!
To give you a preview of the redesign and how the new homepage will look, let me show you some examples.
1. Top section of the homepage:
http://adzcoindesk.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Top_section.pngThis will contain:
-> The header area for easy navigation with menu's that unfold when hovering over them plus a login and registration form
-> The timeline navigation so members can easily switch to the different sections which are:
- The main timeline - Where content from the ADZbuzzer gets shared as shown in this update
- The social timeline - Where social content will get shared (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc.)
- Pages / Groups timeline - Where people and businesses can create groups and sell products using ADZbuzzPay
- Personal Timeline - Where people can socialize with friends and family
- ADZbuzz lounge - Everything related to ADZbuzz/ADZcoin will be posted here
-> Main top section areas
This is where the top 10 most shared posts and most recently shared posts will appear in two columns. All posts that get shared will get front-page time in the second column, all posts that get shared the most will get more front-page time and a huge amount of traffic every day.
2. Middle section
http://adzcoindesk.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Middle_section.pngBelow we'll redesign the current mockup as can seen above and here is some more info:
-> The top section of Buzzfeed looks like this:
http://adzcoindesk.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Buzzfeed_examples.png and this will be replicated below the 2 top-10 columns in the top section. The slider will contain more posts that got shared using the ADZbuzzer.
-> We'll have a 4th column on the right side kinda like Steemit has as you can see here:
http://adzcoindesk.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Steemit_example.png However we'll add a feature so people can choose which categories to show on top by default so only posts you are interested in will be shown on top. We'll expand on that too and give members the choice basically to have whatever they want shown in every section so you don't have to scroll through posts you are not remotely interested in.
-> Below the slider we'll have the main body section of the homepage which contains the top 6 posts of all categories. One post will be featured with an image and the others will show the title of the post. This will look similar as how it looks on Rappler as seen here:
http://adzcoindesk.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/rappler_example.png When scrolling down more categories will be shown.
3. Comments page
Every post will have a comments page containing the link to the original post. So when clicking on the title on the homepage people will first be redirected to the comments page and this will look similar as how it looks on Reddit as seen here:
https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/533j12/when_you_accidentally_clicked_open_in_new_window/There will be an image of the post, the first paragraph and a "read more" link redirecting to the original post, plus an option to comment on the post.
So these are the changes we'll be making the next couple of days before we start inviting beta testers to add the ADZBuzzer to their site. As the amount of beta testers grows we'll update our algorythm to distribute the ADZ to both the sharer and the publisher. When we are cofident the system works as intented we will start some media campaigns to attract more users and publishers while still remaining in beta. This will give us some time to finish all the other features on ADZbuzz before we launch the mass promos and go mainstream.
We still wait for the company registration so we'll update when we have more news about that too.
So it looks like next week we can introduce our new homepage, so this will be the start of a new phase of growth. It will also be the moment we start heavily promoting the lifelong traffic offer and i'm pretty sure this offer will sell very good to our target audience.
That's it for now, have a great weekend!