If not all the ERC-20 based BTRN are generated during the ITE, the remaining tokens will be allocated to the user acquisition pool.
How exactly will this be done? I'm wondering if you plan airdrop to attract users? This would be very displeasing to investors. Or maybe there will be a bounty company?
We plan to have strong referral program during user acquisition campaign. Stay tuned for more info.
I don't like to use other project names Sphere did that referral system, I dont know whether they happy or not with the results but if you are planning to use referral programs you should be aware of multiple accounts. Multiple accounts can mislead you about your customer base. I just want to warn you:)
I don't think Sphere was too unhappy with the results. It somehow bolstered their image of having 100 thousand registered users - that in a way helped them gain legitimacy. If referral must be done, it should be IP restricted. Have seen a couple of projects do that sucessfully.
but that would limit the amount of participants though.