If you would like to see BitBean added to Cryptopia, please donate some BitBeans to this address: 2JS3mLHNSRVRjdACohFhvoH1X9SFh6s2HY
We need about 500,000 BitBeans to get listed there. When the address reaches the required amount, Bean Core will approach Cryptopia owners and proceed to request a listing.
As many of you may know, we have de-listed Cryptsy (www.cryptsy.com) from our Web-Site, and recommend our community not to use them anymore. In the last 3 months, they have not been processing withdrawals in a timely manner and there have been countless reports of users not receiving their funds.
Shawn Kent (aka Bitbeaner)
Project Manager & Lead Developer
Bean Core, Team Bean, BitBean
"BitBean, Leading the Way for Mass Adoption of Crypto-currency!"
Only 337,283.1975 BitBeans away from being able to proceed with listing BitBean on Cryptopia (Step A).
I'm sure big holders could help us reach target of 500,000 BitBean in an instant, but more important is that the whole Team Bean (wide community), cast their vote with their wallets to see this happen (not just a few big holders).
This is a very easy step for us to do, but requires action by the community, to fill in the loss of Cryptsy as a viable exchange platform.
Do we not have at least 10 BitBean holders that could donate 50,000 BitBean each?!
After this, shapeshift.io (Step B) and btc38.com (Step C) are targets. Let's see if this community can get first to Step A.
And into the future, plans are being laid for a decentralized trade platform.
Cryptopia ... honest website... honest support ... but no future for this exchanger... very low vol . Not interesting
Polo..btc38 . Jubi . Is more important.