Coinbase is selectively enforcing their support for controversial hard forks.
Legally speaking, they don't have a valid reason to embrace Bcash and Silbert2X while ignoring Bitcoin Gold, CLAMS, Litecoin Classic, Ethereum Dark, etc.
It's far worse an indiscretion than merely arbitrary or random inclusion/exclusion, because Coinbase has investors and advisers drowning in DCG conflicts-of-interest.
Brian Armstong should have stuck to his guns and actually had the balls to enforce his original "If you want your stupid Bcash then get your coins the fuck off Coinbase before the fork" policy instead of (yet again) being a total cuck and surrendering to the mob of Free Shit Army whiners.
By refusing to fight and win the good fight (against over-entitled moonchildren) sooner, he's doomed Coinbase to losing a much bigger war in the long term.
To elaborate, Coinbase's massive insurance/regulatory compliance overhead compounds the technical infrastructure costs of supporting new coins/forks.
Thus Coinbase must make profit faster than it spends resources supporting controversial hard forks.
So, given Coinbases's new "We Cuck To All Shitty Forks Now" policy they will (given a sufficient number of forks to support) go bankrupt.
"Welcome to Coinbase. We lose money on each new Bitcoin fork but make up for it in volume!" -Brian Armstrong basicallyHa ha, just kidding. We all know Coinbase will only support the controversial forks that keep the drug-money-laundering CIA shekels from Barry flowing into their next financing round.
There it is: Today’s newly announced CSTs will allow traders to speculate on the potential activation and mining of the Segwit2x consensus protocol. They are designating the tokens as CSTs as BT1 (Incumbent Bitcoin Blockchain) and BT2 (Bitcoin Segwit2x). will list 2X as B2X and Bitcoin will remain $BTC
Well, that pretty much says it all?
EDIT: or not... wtf:
As the proposed consensus protocol Segwit2x project appears likely to activate, we have elected to designate the Segwit2x fork as B2X, for now. The incumbent implementation (based on the existing Bitcoin consensus protocol) will continue to trade as BTC even if the B2X chain has more hashing power.
"Bitfinex, the Hong-Kong based bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange announced today
they are launching a new pair of (Chain Split Tokens) CSTs for Segwit2x, another proposed Bitcoin consensus change."