It keeps getting better and better. I swear you cannot make the stuff up:
By "morituri13 on the other thread:
The PR Client is through an intermediary business owned by a member of the foundation. A company needs to deal with another entity or company. The Foundation was not officially recognized by any state at the time and so we moved forward by having someone stake their PERSONAL company in our stead. Really a very generous and bold move by that individual (who I will most certainly not divulge, this is his personal company and his personal address etc.)In all regards though the PR firm works for BlackCoin. The BlackCoin foundation will obviously be mentioned but in press releases we have instructed the Firm that they represent BlackCoin.
These are the only questions I will answer here. Please please please ask on reddit. It is so much simpler for me.
This is, of course, a guy whose attachment (if he really doesn't work for the PR firm, which is far from clear at this point) to BC is that of a member (self-confessed) of The Black Hand, the investor's group (contracts drawn, papers signed) that operates in cahoots with your friendly dev team and controls the Foundation AND the multipool (separately and exclusively owned by the two Joe Sixpacks I have been telling you so much about). Not only was he at the meeting, he will even field "all your questions" about what went on in there. Not the (stoned, shorts-clad) Community guy -and member of the board of the foundation-, but he, morituri13 or dognip depending where you are. Yep, the "other guy" in the picture... why was he there (if in fact he doesn't work for the pR firm, which remains unclear at this point)
why is he "answering questions"?
Oh the "member of the foundation"? come on, can you really be that stupid? who of the 5 could it be? let me think deeply, ok? It's a very hard one.... darn it! could it possibly be the guy in Cambodia? answer that yourself, Mickey? come on.... can it be poor nice guy Maarten, the Dutch treat? not really, right? how about our stoned, beach-clad thunder-going-under? nah. It's the Don. All ways go to Roma (no way!!!!) after all.
Well, like I said, you just cannot make this stuff up. And the choir boys still swallow it all with the very mitigated and beginning to get skeptical greed look fading.
Wow. Did I say wow? No: wow WOOOOW!