I can take criticism when presented rationally as you have just done, but I will be the first to admit I get frustrated when someone posts blatant lies. (Yes I know it is the internet) At the end of the day we are all suppose to be on the same team working to make this coin better. I do not expect everyone to always "get along" or agree, that is not how life works. However, I do expect some kind of common courtesy when someone is taking time out their personal life to help. What worries me is very talented people will be apprehensive getting off the sidelines and help because they will not want to be attacked and/or criticized for their work. I jumped in and helped to try and motivate others to come up with new ideas and pitch in.
And for the record what you wrote wasn't "literary diarrhea", it was well said....
Thanks. And for the record I fully understand getting irritated at many of the comments from the peanut gallery as well. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I've found myself sucked into flame wars on more than one occasion. In every case I wound up frustrated and angry, regardless of whether or not I was 'victorious'. The old joke about arguing over the Internet being like the Special Olympics still holds true I'm afraid. However, as BC matures and more and more seasoned investors and entrepreneurs come on board, I expect (read "hope") that much of the noise of late will dissipate rapidly.
The Internet is full of "expert opinions" - many of which are disseminated from the basements of the author's parents' house. Although crypto currencies (especially BC which is barely 2 months old) is definitely a young man's game, in many aspects - there are some of us older guys involved as well. I agree that it is possible that some people might be discouraged from participation by the FUD that occasionally gets thrown about... but I also believe that the opportunities presented by both the coin, and the vast majority of the community backing it, will win the day ultimately. For most people, the opinions of others are either entertaining, enraging or (occasionally) thought-provoking and useful, but it's what your own beliefs/logic dictate that results in or prevents action. Trolls and dissenters can not change that in someone who's actually done their research.
Keep your head up and above all the bullshit... you don't want to get dragged down there with them! One day we'll all look back on these growing pains and laugh... but that doesn't mean there won't be more of them around the next bend in the road.
Take a minute to just sit back and smile... you've earned it!