As the BlackCoin Foundation we have worked hard in the past weeks and I am proud to present to the community at large one of our most ambitious fundraising ventures to date. As most of you know, BlackCoin is a phenomenal alternative cryptocurrency with substantial REAL advantages over its competitors. We are a greener, faster, coin that is ready for retail adoption and worldwide use… Only the world doesn't know this... That is hopefully about to change…
BlackCoin will be the first CryptoCurrency to hire a legitimate, brick and mortar, Public Relations Firm!
For several weeks the BlackCoin Foundation has been engaging PR firms in order to find one with the right technical expertise to help promote BlackCoin through various target media (think, theverge, wsj, financial times, and social media as well). After much deliberation we have decided on a company and are in the process of finalizing things contractually speaking. We are not going to release the PR firm's name until things are finalized, but they have a great deal of experience and are truly excited to be working with us. You will not be disappointed.
BlackCoin is Bitcoin 2.0. But spreading this message comes at significant cost. In order to secure a 90 day PR campaign (with options to retain services month to month after the initial 90 day period) the foundation has already raised over $15,000 USD! This has got the ball rolling, but we need help from the community! To finish paying for this venture we need the community to help raise an additional $15,000 USD.
The funds raised by the Foundation have allowed us to get things started, and over the next few days and weeks we will providing more and more information about the strategy, including key messages and timelines. Our strategy meetings will be 100% transparent and we will be updating the community about our every move. In the meantime, we need two things:
1.) Come up with suggestions! We have a powerful PR firm to bounce ideas off of and now is the time to brainstorm. What do you think is an important message? What is an important venue? Give us anything and everything you got, but please do your best to list your ideas in a concise and coherent manner.
2.) Please donate to the addresses below! This is a monumental and revolutionary undertaking that could very well shape the cryptocurrency landscape for years to come. Every little bit helps!
Linked below is a very high-level and preliminary overview that the PR firm provided to us in our most recent conference call. Some information has been redacted and the formatting has been altered (worsened) due to proprietary images (e.g. anything that could identify the PR Firm).
The Plan
The cryptocurrency world is having trouble competing with BlackCoin as is… With a capable and professional PR firm on our side, the sky is the limit.
Thanks and please donate today!
BC: BTfqh99d8DcKWrd4hFYLR7D2bAYDdAKV3Q
Doge: DNkmhknWWx6ogrHaTy9X2SLft9ouwhCNs1
Make sure to check the addresses in the original post!
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Glad to see this has died down a bit. Please donate above. There has been, interspersed with a lot of crazy accusations and in-fighting, some legitimate concerns voiced about the hiring of a PR firm.
The most legitimate was the suggestion that money could be better spent on actual development. I tended to agree with this notion at first and we ruminated collectively about this for quite some time. But we eventually came to the conclusion that wider adoption would bring about more community dev participation and (hopefully) higher prices will allow us to pay for even more development on top of that. We don't think of the PR Campaign as being separate from inspiring great dev work, we think of it as necessary.
The call for transparency... I have addressed this multiple times, we will be transparent about our every interaction with the PR firm. I believe the word transparent is in the above message.
I think that honestly covers it for real criticism from the past 20 or so pages....

Alright, thanks again for the support everyone!