Everyone is assuming that the PR company is going to incessantly spew out bastardized advertising. If it does this, then I will not agree with the initiative. I am under the impression however, that the role of the PR team is to build a tactile and developed strategy for implementing Blackcoin and helping to build it's infrastructure.
I.E If the PR team's job is to aid in getting Blackcoin adopted by traders (helping with pitches etc), identifying weaknesses with it's message and potential implementation then I am fully 100% behind it. These are the fundamentals we need to be working on right now and a plan for this is badly needed to unify the message. We need to be working out how we can actually develop a supply and demand for Blackcoin and if that is the PR teams job, which is what I imagine it to be, then great. That is a logical step right now. That is why I am not currently against it.
It is a massive amount of money for very little return.
Something that could have been taken to most universities that would have been cheaper, more pro-active and probably yielded better results.
I teach at a Uni and I have to say that there is no substitute for real project experience. Whilst you can find a lot of talented people with potential, many have not been exposed to the stresses of actually doing what they are learning under pressure and with money involved.
If you want to do things properly and want a good output, you need to pay for it, it's as simple as that. If you don't do this you not only undercut entire professions, but you devalue their experience and expertise.
I don't understand how on the one hand people want the campaigns for Blackcoin to be super professional and then expect them to be cheap, it just doesn't work like that.
Pick two of those.
Your making the assumption that the PR company know about how to market a crypto coin or its concept. Again, its about having past performance to gauge them on. Since its such a secret who they are, then we can only assume.
And as i have stated several times previously - Something that has $x cost does not instantly make it worth $x, its about value.
And I think you do Professors and final graduates a great injustice. Some of the best thinking and fresh ideas comes from fresh minds -exactly what Crypto needs.
Why do you think the technology companies have such a massive presence on Universities ?
Its not a can of beans, a fizzy beverage or an imported SUV.