Hello all!!
stex.com exchange works again, but please do not forget to make deposit transaction with correct Payment ID!! So do not use AndroidAP and
https://www.croatwallet.com/ for deposit to stex.com !! Also deposit history seems to be not working, but deposits to STEX accounts looks OK.
Here is my temporary quick unofficial personal how-to for Windows CroatCore desktop wallet. It is also very similar for Linux wallet.
1.) prepare CroatCore desktop wallet according to
http://www.croatcoin.info/croatupdate/ and locate binary files croatd.exe and simplewallet.exe
2.) within first CommandPrompt window change directory to directory where is installed Your desktop wallet. Then start croatd.exe with arguments: croatd.exe --config-file configs\croat.conf
3.) when You will see "SYNCHRONIZED OK", within second CommadPrompt window also change directory and start simplewallet.exe with arguments: simplewallet.exe --config-file configs\croat.conf
4.) generate new wallet file or open existing wallet file, then check balance with command balance
5.) make test transaction to stex.com within simplewallet (in this case 0.5 CROAT) with syntax:
[wallet abcdefgh]: transfer 1 your_stex_croat_address 0.5 -p your_stex_croat_payment_id
6.) you should receive "Money successfully sent, transaction your_transaction_hash"
7.) wait for email conformation from STEX about deposit, then wait till You will see Your deposit balance change at STEX.
8.) You can the exit from both command line tools simplewallet.exe and croatd.exe with exit command.
Here is the link for video howto
https://youtu.be/a6qZDRJ6SDoHappy trading!!!