тo кoличecтвo coeдинeний бyмaжникa chainz.cryptoid.info c ceтью, a нe кoличecтвo бyмaжникoв в ceти.
вoт здecь cмoтpю cкoлькo бyмaжникoв в ceти.
I think this is incorrect statistics.
Each DMD Wallet running must have at least 3 connections to the network.
If I see 107 connections, then it means three times less than the number of wallets, but no more than 107
After all, each newly launched wallet should create one outgoing connection and this should be taken into account when generating statistics.
The connections are to the website itself,the diamond block chain explorer site.
Look at the node list. Ip for active wallet in the last 24 hours.
Ive seen it as high as 288 with 125 connections/nodes to the block chain explorer.
Connections have nothing to do with amount of wallets active.
Ok, but in any case, we cannot rely on this statistics as absolutely reliable.