thing is i came here talking about this before that EU on dwarfpool is doing poorly, overload over there and the pool will Close people's Connection and you get a Retry spam in Your miner.
but on US this is still working just fine, i had to swap to that like last month and i came here said it etc, also on twitter, but i thought that dwarfpool would do something by now but they haven't. their EU pool is still bad.
Second i still dont understand what People that are doing these crazy 1 TH/s jumps, just to make it Clear for 3 gh/s you need 100 rx580's With a good bios, fpr 30 gh/s you need 1000 rx580,s and for 300 gh/s you need 10 000.
but these People are putting up 1TH/s its like some asic miner? its bugs in the stats when solo mining finishes? no one is putting up 20 000 to 30 000 GPU's at once on expanse a few hours everyday just for the difficulty but its showing.
last time i asked if you guys tried to make some Fake artificial difficulty or wrongs in the stats. cause i dont see any way annyone can redirect 30 000 gpu's at once to expanse and then turn it off and on all the time, its just not possible. even the largest Warehouses around does not contain more than a few thousand GPU's max.
like can someone explain and what pool they are at, to me it looks like some ASIC and People trying to mess With the coins and generating fake coins or something. just 1 TH/s onto the coin at once and then turning it off is just BS. sorry
that is just big farms switching between profitable algos, and yeah you have many 1000+ gpu farms out there