Trust logic will surely reduce the cost, time and the overall hiring process since Trust logic implementation will result to the verified database of all prospective applicant. A faster hiring process by trust logic. And trust logics is here to help both Jobseeker and Recruiter.
A qualified job seeker who has a good data on his/her resume could actually get a matched by several companies job requirements, this is favorable to the job seekers, they won't be needing to go to different place and companies just to submit their data.
And I added more about the statement you said mate, By utilizing Hyperledger Fabric, Ethereum smart contracts, data encryption and ERC20
standard Tokens, TrustLogics aims to transform the modern-day $428 billion, then recruitment industry along with how ISPs are perceived. We
aim to be a one-stop solution for recruiters, active as well as passive jobseekers, and ISPs by providing a platform to, Request for Verification,
Build Reputation, Access & Maintain Verified Data Referral Hiring. This was all indicated to their whitepaper (WP) anyway.