Yeah right... What does Apple (a publicly-traded company BTW, financial reports available) have to do with this
It's the ionomy thread, you pillock. And you have stated numerous times that you don't care about questions or answers, so why do you get so jumpy when others do? To use your absurd analogy - I don't give a shit if someone asks questions about Apple.
Maybe you could say a couple of words about the excellent Help & Support provided for this coin and wallets on Ionomy Slack???
The question was about the price spike and your shillbuddy tried to pivot to slack and other usual bullshittery. It's fairly obvious to anyone who cares to visit ionomy slack that it's devoid of any useful substance on that topic, spammed by "whales" like MrSECApproval and their pompous nonsense.
Funny you should mention the FAQ. A lot of the information provided on slack turned out to be false, e.g.:
If you think that basic transparency - e.g. what ionomists were doing for 18 months if they have fuck all to show for it and need another ICO to keep going - is "private", then please send me all your money. I really want it and I don't feel like telling you why. Because private.
@suchmoon Thanks for the good words about Ionomy Slack. It's been a very useful tool for members of the Ionomy and crypto community... One of the few coins that have a place to go to get help & support on the ION coin...
Could you please explain how the Ionomy slack is helping, lets say, Bitcoin? How is the Ionomy slack beneficial to any other coin? Just trying to sort out that logic. Seems in the past when a different coin was brought up on Slack that person would be told to go to that coins slack channel. So now I'm really confused. All these coins have their own slack channel, yet you state that ION is one of the few coins that has a slack channel. Are all those other coins Slack fake? Are those other coins lying about having their own slack channel?
Slack seems to be the choice of these new found ICOs. No record kept, don't have to be accountable. What happened to a good old forum where information goes to live? Not get destroyed in 2 days cause the free Slack memory is used up. I know what happened...Garza tried to scrub all his lies, but the internet is forever. So all these coins are avoiding the permenance and going to Slack, where they can make shit up as they go and there is no visual record of it. The future of crypto is Slack ladies and gentleman. Much innovation, many awesome.
Ionomy Slack harbors many Secret rooms (private channels) that Ionomy users use to conduct ION business and activities to build the Ionomy Vision!!!
Let all the new people to the thread know what the Ionomy Vision is. You surely wann clue the new people in, no? I'd think you'd wanna address points seriously and all, to put a good foot forward for potentially interested parties. Why don't you care? Are they just sock puppet accounts?
If point them to the road map, but don't want you to have to start answering he one game per month questions again.