Edit: Oh, never mind. The number 1 on the rich list got 21.2% of the last 1000 blocks. That means they got 210+ blocks today. I'd say that's a tad more than luck, just an opinion though. The top 2 on the rich list got ~40% of the last 1000 blocks. Wonder how the Ionites feel about that? I'd guess they are excited about that...that the team may more than likely getting even moar free coins.
Your first conclusion was correct too... out of the last 100 blocks (at the time of the screenshot) one address that had 0.1% of the total coin supply (20k) received 21% of rewards. The only reason it's not showing a high percentage under 1000 blocks is that they keep moving the coins every few hours.
Current one is https://chainz.cryptoid.info/ion/address.dws?iWyAM4KwHun9xDSnWa2qT7Lapr1CxLwHLL.htm - 3% of rewards, which by itself isn't too horrible (could be variance) but when you track the coins and find out that those coins have been earning way above average for hours or even days - doesn't seem right.
Edited 2020-11-29 to fix a broken image
As for the "team" - they likely get ~75% since that's their share of the ICO.