About global hash power...( part 8 )
Yesterday, the network encounter a big problem : 1 pool forked and follow it's own way. This is due to too much hashrate on the same node, leaving others behind.
Despite of the "Community", "People are power" and "fair coin" slogan, I know that most of miners just look at the pools fees, don't care about the project and people behind, look for maximum profits and always ask "exchange ?" but for the safety of the network, take care that no more than 50% of the global hashrate is on the same pool : you can loose every coins mined in case of fork like it happens yesterday and make suffer the network. It's not good at the time of we are close to enter exchange. From what I can see, most of this "community" does absolutely not support this project. In this case, I do not see the point of continuing.
Stop thinking stupidly that the higher hasrate pool give you the bigger amount, every hashrate matters and is paid at its level.
Look at the transaction fees too, there all are not the same (maybe some vimdiff difficulties or too fast copy/paste...)
Look at the ping too and choose the closest pool to you, the faster is the better.
All pools are working fine (maybe irdpool.de has problems, I sent a message to the dev)
And NO : you won't earn less or more : the new algorithm take care of this but :
- you will contribute to a better network stability and speed,
- you will support all the pools.
I've been mining in irdpool.fr even if it has higher fees and is the farther pool I can choose, because I want to support the dev fund. I think people just want profits from this coins because right now there's only technicals for it, the reward structure, the algorithm, etc. But there is no fundamentals for the coin and I think real investors want that. Actual utility for the coin, without it, you just attract scam that want to profit of from technicals because that's all they see, money to be made. That's why masternode coins are full of scammers because they just care about reward structure, ROI% and price to sell. With real utility for the coin, people will back it up and scammers or people that just want profits will abandon the ship in every price cycle, only true supporters that can see beyond the narrow scoop of short term profits will stay after all the waves the price action can create. But for now, there's nothing to see beyond. We need utility for the coin, before any exchange, before attracting more distributed hash power.