Anyone else had sell limit orders below the spike today to 2082.958€ that should have been triggered when the price crossed but it didn't?
I had a couple sell limit orders at 19XX€, that I placed several days ago so it is not trading lag, that haven't been executed, yet the price raised to 2082€.
It's not the first time... It is the THIRD time I NOTICED this behaviour and the second one I open a support ticket for this. I am still waiting a single reply since more than one month about a buy limit order at 124X€ that should have been executed when, again, an spike got under that price.
I use to leave open high and low orders to take some profit from this spikes, but it looks like the profit is going to someone else, not me.... Also I have the concern that maybe there is some people that are being liquidated during those spikes and maybe they shouldn't if placed orders had been executed cushioning the spike or, at the very least, they would have been liquidated at a better price.
I can understand that during DDOS or heavy usage the trading gets some lag.... But I can't think any single reason for why the price would run freely without honoring orders correctly placed DAYS BEFORE!.
I would like to receive a compensation for my direct profit loss but, above all, I would like to know why this happenned and if it will keep happenning regularly.
If you can't even trust the order book of a TRADING EXCHANGE, what can you trust?
I had a limit sell order open as well in that price range. It is still open, despite a second spike having occurred at 17:16 CET and again my order did not get filled.
Another Spike and again not honoring the order book. WTF is happening with Kraken? Why don't they stop trading right now?
And its not only in Bitcoinwisdom API... The high prices are shown in Kraken site itself:
24 Hour Volume
Weighted Avg
Really, what the hell is hapenning???!?!