We have (finally) launched in Germany! German users who have pre-verified their accounts are now able to fund accounts and trade in accordance with their verified tier level. We deeply appreciate the support and patience of our German users while we prepared for launch.
For the time being, German users will be limited to the following order types: limit, stop loss limit, and take profit limit. We're sorry to impose these limits, but they are necessary due to special regulations governing exchanges in Germany. Since the volume on the exchange is still relatively low, it's best for people to limit themselves to these order types anyway to avoid price slippage in a thin market. Eventually German users will be able to enjoy the same selection of order types as other users, but first we have to complete further regulatory requirements and we do not have an ETA on this at the present time.
Do you have a solution to the "Fidor-problem"? https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.3650615
short: You can't do a SEPA transfer from fidor to fidor banking account. U only can do "send money to a friend". The problem could be, that than u are not able to see from which IBAN the transaction is. U will only see the fidor-nickname of the user and the "type of use"
So will I have the money in my account after sending it via this "sending money" option?
Edit: I will try it myself to see, what works and what not, the user "realcoin" wrote, that normal german transfers work.
Not yet, but I'm checking on this.