It may be that if you log in at this time, you will see that various problems have been addressed or reduced. There have been some improvements applied recently, thus your experience may be improved over earlier today or yesterday. It's still possible that you may encounter an issue, but if so please don't hesitate to let us know.
Looking forward to further input.
Dont know if you look for input like this
On 99 orders to be placed:
26 Eservice unavailables
20 Eservice: Busy
Total calls 99 + 26 + 20 = 145
Eservice unavailables: 26 /145*100%=17.93 % (previous 13.93%%)
Eservice Busy: 20 /145*100%= 13.79% (Previous 4.10%)
Unknowns: 75/145 = 52.41% of total calls (Previous 54.92%) - (most of the unknowns were not placed, we would need to take a closer look at our logs to present exact data here)
Total error rate = (26 + 20 + 75)/145*100% = 84.14% (surely NOT an improvement from previous Tot. error = 72.95%)
Aka Service close to non-existing....was there supposed to be an improvement?