Ugh. I might recommend not making posts like this It won't go well with this community if you want to be taken seriously at this point
Well, i know that's ugly, but that guy ran a portscan on our web server, found there a running terracoind instance and hence assumed we're scammers. It is pure logic, isn't it ?
TRC: listed 2 months ago at,226.0.html
I value intuition above logic.
What is the relevance regarding their ASIC project?
If psychological profile of labcoin guys is not relevant to you than there is no relevance regarding their ASIC project. You can discard the fact
they were "testing" Avalons on Terracoin (makes no sense, if it was profit-driven activity than say it, why lie about it) but went temporaly dumb
and forgot to upgrade to newer client after hard-fork (which means further profit-driven activities were pointless).
Come on, we just tested that terracoind (and others) with the avalons, and left it there, again it was just testing ... there is NO relevance to the project this thread is about.
Dude don't trouble yourself with 'Bitcoin Megastore', he never has anything positive to say, ever. He trolls these forums slating every potential ASIC manufacturer trying to defame them. He presumably has funds tied up somewhere, it's not in creating a megastore though...