and you manage a trade volume of 10 BTC per day,
Am I missing something?
Well yes you are missing.. There is no any market under 10 BTC/day volume, exept poor crycurex.
Even MRC day volume on poloniex is 5 BTC today, and micro is not top tradet coin... yet
Coins-e daytrade... even Doge only is around 100BTC today.
I see you don't really believe altcoins will become more popular
I believe it will.
On the contrary, I mine a LOT of alt-coins -- including MRC. I blog over at, if you're curious, and I'm quite serious about these questions and the investment potential. Much of that will depend not only on the quality of the exchange, but also on the number of shares that end up being purchased. If I were to buy 1 BTC of shares and you end up selling 100 BTC worth, you'd have to do a LOT of volume to make it truly worthwhile. And as far as volume goes, either you're way off or CryptoCoinCharts is,
based on this information. Poloniex isn't listed properly (or not updated at least), but I just ran through all their currencies and it looks like they did about 80 BTC in the past 24 hours; Coins-e meanwhile only shows as 183 BTC total. Are those figures wrong for some reason you care to explain?
Before we continue, first a question, from the info page: "Due to the way Cryptostocks works and how our shares work, we will be at first selling a large amount of shares that we don't expect to be completely sold. The site will then destroy any amount of shares over the amount that should exist, which is 2x, leaving the site with 50% of all shares. 25% in public ownership and 25% in our ownership. This in practice when sharing profits shares it 50% to us and 50% to other shareholders."
I'm a bit confused as to whom some of the text refers to. If 20K shares are purchased, then you will end up with 40K total shares, with "the site" holding 20K. Is "the site" talking about alcurEx or Cryptostocks? If it's alcurEx keeping 20K shares, then why is it 25% public ownership and 25% alcurEx ownership -- where is the remaining 50% ownership? I believe that it's actually a potential future ownership. So if 20K shares are purchased, alcurEx will also have 20K shares, and there's a potential to release an additional 40K shares in the future -- half to the public, so really only 20K more? That means at worst the first batch of shares could be diluted 50%.
Anyway, you mentioned Cryptsy and their shares, so I looked into that. They apparently offered 100K shares (only 8K were purchased publicly?), with each being worth 0.0002% of Cryptsy's earnings. Now, unlike the two exchanges mentioned earlier, Cryptsy does a fair amount of volume -- 1630 BTC during the past 24 hours supposedly. They charge 0.2% commission on buys and 0.3% on sells, so if I'm reading this properly they made 0.5% total on all trades. That means their 1630 BTC of volume generated 8.15 BTC in revenue for the site during the past 24 hours. Each share meanwhile is worth 0.0002% of that, so a share initially purchased at 0.05 BTC would have generated 0.00163 BTC. That works out to 0.0489 BTC per month if the volume is consistently at 1630 (which it's obviously not, but I don't have historical volume numbers). Not surprisingly, people are trying to sell Cryptsy shares now at prices four times as high as the initial IPO, and even at those prices it would be a reasonable investment I think.
Your offering meanwhile is for an unproven exchange, and I don't have numbers for your commission rates and we don't know volumes. You've put out an IPO of up to 1 million shares, but of course only some of those will be purchased. Let's say you end up with 20K shares being purchased as an example. Where each Cryptsy share is worth a non-dilutable 0.0002% of profits, your shares are worth... an amount dependent on the number of shares purchased and your commission rates. 20K shares would mean each share is worth 0.005% of half of alcurEx's earnings, while 50K shares would make each share worth 0.002% of half of the earnings. Or put another way, 20K shares ends up with each being worth 0.0025% of the total earnings -- so basically 12.5 times as "valuable" as a Cryptsy share in terms of a percentage -- and 50K shares would make each worth 0.001% of earnings. But if 250K are purchased, then your shares are worth exactly the same 0.0002% as the Cryptsy shares you bashed. And your shares are not "non-dilutable", so you could issue more shares in the future and thus existing shares become worth proportionately less -- half as much is the potential value of shares in the future. Which means if more than 125K shares are purchased in this IPO, you're basically no better than Cryptsy (and you probably shouldn't be comparing your offering to others until everything is finished).
As far as income/returns, a new exchange would be doing well if they managed 100 BTC of volume per day during the first few months. If you charge the same 0.5% combined commission as Cryptsy, that's 0.5 BTC per day. With 20K shares, each share would get 0.0000125 BTC per day, or 0.000375 BTC per month. Three months to break even wouldn't be bad, but again that's all assuming quite a few things and sadly there's nothing really concrete yet.
Anyway, I *am* interested in hearing more, but perhaps via PM/email might be better -- drop me a note if you'd like.
I understand your concern and appreciate the thought you have put in to this. You are right that Cryptsy is a larger exchange than we will be, but you have to keep in mind that Cryptsy shares costed around 5-20 times more than our shares (bitcoin price was lower than now, but rising throughout the sale) and that Cryptsy's volume back then actually was around the same figures we are expecting to get now. They were selling them at the promise that they would have more volume in the future. And the key difference is that we are not valuing our company at any price, but the investors are. So it really doesn't serve a purpose to tell us that you think the share price isn't profitable, since it is the free market that will decide how much each share gets. And the missing 50% is because of the way Cryptostocks works. Let's say 10,000 shares are bought. This would mean 40,000 shares exist in total. 25% in public ownership, 25% left to be sold at some later time (these won't be sold easily and will probably not be sold for a very long time) and 50% for ourselves that will never be sold. But this would mean we own 75% and thus get 75% of profit, but we promised to give 50%. So to do this in practice, we will destroy the remaining amount and cut the total to 20,000, with the 50% only existing in theory. This way we will have 25% of total shares (50% of shares on cryptostocks) and 25% in public ownership. Now we can bring 100% of our profit to cryptostocks and it will divide it 50/50 between us and public shareholders. We made this plan when we weren't quite sure how cryptostocks work. We now realize that we could probably just destroy all remaining shares and leave the 25% public shares as the only shares in existance, with the 75% existing only in theory. We could just bring 50% of our profit to the site and let the site distribute that with the public shareholders. And when we want to sell the remaining 25% we could just issue them.