In the last week I've mined a lot of coins but always... ALWAYS... I have the same... "UNCONFIRMED... GENERATED BUT NOT ACCEPTED"... why?
what I'm doing bad?... why I can't get a confirmed block from my stacked coins?
Thanks in advance....
How many coins do you have in your wallet? Dont need an exact number, but it would help people.
ie - having 1500 coins total, minting on that total is going to have a lot lower "luck" then someone with 15 million.
Another question - have you limited the number of connections eiher intentionally or unintentionally via a setting in your router? Being able to get your POS block out to the network faster (via more connections to other wallets), will make your chances of it being accepted to the blockchain that much higher.
I'm sure others will have something to add - but at the end of the day, do not worry about it to much. If it isn't accepted today, then when it tries again tomorrow because your coinage is still high enough to mint, your just going to end up with another days worth of interest. I'd understand if these coins were worth a little something to the end of not being able to buy something you want, but the chances of you trying to buy something with these thigns at the moment is probably extremely small.
Dont get me wrong - I understand the frustration. The first time I tried solo mining Litecoin back in the day, I was sure I was being dooped by something or someone because I didn't get a block in three days of mining except some rejected blocks which paid nothing obviously. Then the next day I minted 4 blocks in one day. If only I had known how much they would be worth one day. Unfortunately I sold at $3 and change because none of thought they would be going much higher anytime soon. IT did pay for my laptop though!
Thank you for your answer...
As Jack the ripper said... please... I'll go by parts...
I have more or less 400000 coins in my wallet and I have mined a block every 10 minutes more or less the problem is all blocks are unconfirmed and I don't know why...
I have the latest wallet and I have downloaded the latest blocks and I still get unconfirmed blocks... hundreds and hundreds of unconfirmed blocks... it is frustrat... I know it is difficult to mine but PoS should be a little easy than a standard mine, as I understand...
I will check the number of connections as you mentioned but I think my problem will be other thing... anyway... thank you for you idea and I will try it as soon a send this reply...
Thanks and I'm open to other ideas...