Is there an active android wallet development? I saw people mention Bigchirv, but couldn't see any of his posts in this thread, maybe I missed it.
Certainly you may miss them. Hey there,
I've been studying the code of the wallets out there and yes, I'd like to start with the project. Some user days ago uploaded some images: basically is that what is holding me back, because I don't wanna waste my time (or any other's time) starting the project if someone already has something already on the table.
However, many days have passed and no more news on the status of that work.
Somebody can give us an update on this? Anyone?
I'm thinking on minting on a mobile device. Minting uses 100% cpu to find a hash, much like PoW, but using owner's coins. A phone user would not want to enable it.
I stated exactly the same some posts ago when the topic came up. It basically will drain the mobile's battery and also will slow the device.
On the other hand, a tablet-only user might want it if it's her only computer, so android wallet should ideally have minting, but the ability to turn it off. Or options like "mint only when charging", "mint only when charging and battery > 80%", "mint only when screen is locked"
And another user said the same tho. The argument was he has friends that would like to mint on their tablets. I still think the battery life will still be an issue. However we can always do what gonzoucab is saying and put a checkbox enabling/disabling minting. Of course, for that 1st we need the wallet up and available for download and 2nd have implemented the PoS algorithm.
I'm thinking about the first use case, to run mintcoin wallet on a phone, but the user doesn't want his phone to mint at all. What happens if I share my private key between desktop wallet and android wallet?
Does anyone know how the QT clients react when the same wallet.dat is used on two computers simultaneously? Do they notice funds in an account are gone if they see an outgoing transaction in the blockchain, or do they assume only they can initiate transfers?
Those are real good questions. People usually goes with the new wallet/priv-key created when installing the app on their devices.
Maybe the Mintcoin Dev Team can answer this to us. Or somebody can point us to proper documentation. I can't tell whether or not there's a mechanism to prevent things like you're mentioning. If it doesn't exists we may design one (by "we" I mean the interested developers that are lurking around the forum,
I mean desktop wallet can mint all the time, and to sync my android wallet, I can show it a QR code from desktop wallet and voila, from that point android wallet can spend coins (and all future coins) from my desktop wallet. They should be able to track their balances over the blockchain.
110% agree.
Maybe what I imagine* is not possible due to changes being sent to new generated addresses, but I'm not sure.
I'd like to have the answers of those Qs too. I'm no a cryptocoin expert; but I usually solve problems either with code or Linux servers. My employers usually give me broken code I'm not familiar with, written in
and then say "fix it". So, I think I'm capable to do the task. Of course, any of the developers on the forum can help. That's the beauty of Open Source.
EDIT: Improve some English expressions. It is not my native language.
+1 I agree. We need to figure out if there is one already being worked on, and if not, somebody should get started right away!