Same is with BC traded BC don't generate income. So inflation will be <1% BC and Mint <20%. I think rates will be same.
But mint coins purpose is to mint it... and get that 20% so probably it will be 15%-18%. we will see at end of year.
2nd question
i have analyzed that case lets give numbers:
in best case max inflation ^^
1% BC - Now this is about 0,04 New/BTC day to buy all new
20% Mint - Now this is only 2.3 BTC day to buy all new
~10% Doge 540 BTC Day
10% BTC 3600 BTC Day - 2.3m $ all new
20% LTC 28800 LTC Day - 0,9M $ all new
"How fast do PoW coins inflate due to mining? I would say it is roughly equivalent to a PoS coin. " -look up ^^
As you see some coins need to be popular to not drop price BC,Mint don't need much attention to keep price.
Pow coins due to other type of distribution can lose value very fast just because when miners aren't well paid price fall.
POS system is bit different than POW dystrybution 1st POS NXT wasn't good example just because 75% of coins never reached market.
In reality with BC with 0 premine we will see how can 100% POS system can behave on market.
This coin is 1st with 0 premine it will be better example than Premined / IPO other ones.
We will see how market will be different that Mint,Zeit,Ultra,Battlecoin,CGB... with some amount premined before.
How marketing factor from IPO/Premine money have influence on price ^^ in long short therm.
Anyway as you see to from my analyze BC or Mint with some BTC or $ injected inside can grow in same time POW needs High amounts of money
to keep price.
I dumped all my MINT for Blackcoin days ago. The MINT dev refused to tell us what he spent the 700 million MINT on. That was worth hundreds of BTC at the peak of MINT price.
Compare that to Blackcoin. ZERO premine yet Blackcoin still has a more transparent list of bounties. And even without 100 BTC of premine, Blackcoin is bringing more innovation to the table eg bcmultipool.
Then there is the fact MINT has 20% interest rate. Even the most hardened MINTer will admit that is too high.
What was the nail in coffin for me with MINT was the fact they put a super shitty logo on the mintcoin subreddit when there were much better ones. I find it fishy that won the community vote when almost
everyone complained about it after it was chosen and nothing changed. Plus read through the devs comments on reddit and here, he was writing stuff like "Lol sell" and can't be bothered to work when the price was dropping and people were asking him questions and basically wanting reassurance.
And there's the fact MINT dev keeps saying mintcoin has nothing to do with Mintpal. Sorry don't believe that for various reasons.
So i've switched to Blackcoin. It's basically the coin mintcoin should have been imo.