Black coin rises, but down to mint coin. Mint is also active in the community to be more. Why do black coin climb?
Because Mints are not black
I can answer you:
- 0% premine Mint 4.5% effective premine
- PURE POS ( usulay 5s-15s transactions speed) Mint still is POS/POW hybrid.
- rising community
- 1% inflation but every 8h i can get stack(part of that 1%) i don't even care to mint i don't afraid to touch balance
- 1% inflation means that you need 20x less btc to keep price than 20% inflation
- many people just discovered BC
- compare direct to Mint to BC price should be about 5000 sat
I have 400k Mint community is great. I like it.
But for me BC is bit different coin with bit different economy.
In BC all is happening faster faster transaction, faster stakes, it wasn't so popular so it grows now faster too.
BTW HBN +100% year inflation is over power...This year will be 150% because they mine a lot.
BC 0% premine... Yes, technically.. But weren't all the coins mined within a week of release? That doesn't seem like a long enough time to allow for a fair distribution.
Depends on point of view was mined in 10 days yes but difficulty was high 10Ghs-50Ghs during mining...
After 10 days many people lost faith in BC they sold BC even lower than floor price while mining 1000-2000 sat...
Could longer period of minig change that i don't think so it just could making happier miners after all.
At the end of mining party miners sold with loss. POS system you can make with longer period of minig you can make IPO like NEM You can give for free coins like FAIR.
If you look at dystrybution of BC it proves that worked top holders have 2,2m-probably exchange from all 75m...
In mining some farmers got 3,5m they have sold their coins i have been watching those wallets.
Short mining with hype gave many good profits but main goal was achieved just look at good distribution... now for 2BTC you can be in TOP 1000...
BC don't have Devs with 1%-4,5% of all coins.
Quark prove just that the long mining don't bring fairer distribution in six moths noone cares about Quark price was 50-500 sat on Cryptsy but
when price blow up to 10000 all call it premine scam...i even heard FUD that quark Devs have 75% of all coins...
So as you see fast distribution sometimes is better do big boom get attention i didn't wanted fallow Quark scenario.
With POS system top 500 guys have to be active to do something with coin they need share wealth, they need build community
miners mostly are for quick $ today after mining they switch to another coin they can sell coins even with loss like it was with BC.
With long mining phase dumping mooltipools / ASICs are destroying your work/attitude putted into coin...
See how Doge price is getting down by quick $ miners this is sad...