Staking seems to have returned.
But I am really surprised that a wrong system clock on a single wallet can have such an effect.
I sure hope there is a way to eliminate it. Just think what could happen if a user maliciously tried to exploit this
First thing I thought of too.....seems like a pretty serious security hole that needs to be fixed no?
You're both right, and it's already happened in fact, I think they were called TimeBomb.
I do not remember the details, so sorry for the great inaccuracy, but something related to the negative
time of the block, and the mechanism of Difficulty, it's already happened in the past to philosopherstone long
ago and Tek few weeks ago.
In those cases a malicious block originated in the "past", had set up the Pos-Diff to the stars and it was almost
impossible to generate a new block POS.
Those coins were still usable because they were hybrid POW / POS, and the POW has not been
affected and has kept alive the coin until their Dev applied a patch to PosDif.
It seems to me, that a different fate befallen to another currency (BC or WC can not remember),
that even before the previous cases (or perhaps the first ever to suffer from this problem) had been
attacked in the same manner, and being only POS had been badly damaged remains completely paralyzed,
and has required a lot of time and work to be started again.
From this kind of problem more serious, NavajoCoin is already vaccinated, the source code limits the problem
of the times negative, the most harmful.
So the maximum we can suffer is the inverse, it is an excess of blocks, just as we have just experienced,
followed by a scarcity of blocks due to the fact that in the meantime, many users have produced stakes,
and then have groups of coins immature.
But thanks to the minimum time of stakes of 2 hours, the stream of blocks stabilizes a bit at a time in a short time.
(I can guess for a while there will be a bit of "elastics effect" until the Diff and CoinAge will settle again.)
As you can see there is a evolution, and recent wallet learn from the problems of the oldest.