Hi folks,
There's been quite a bit of discussion since the news of the transition and I feel as if there are many question marks left floating around and still some lingering confusion as to what Neos is, what's happening now and what's to come in both the near and not-so-distant future. There are some particular points I'd like to highlight and address especially as they warrant some focus.
What the hell is Neos? Why would some random coin I've never heard of reach gains of 1000% overnight? It must be a scam.Granted with the swarm of new projects launching daily, it's especially more difficult for those new to crypto to be aware of a project that's been here since what could be considered in terms of time in crypto - the stone ages. While we're not as "ancient" as some of the direct Litecoin descendants - we didn't just come out of the woodwork, slap together some half-worked web page, launch and "pump" the market. For historical purposes and to add some contrast I've set up
http://original.neoscoin.com for those unfamiliar. It contains a link to the YouTube channel, some media articles that are still up (some sites have since disappeared), wallet links that are no longer active so as not to confuse anyone, and the rest of the site.
For over two years Neos has been here as a team. Our primary (and what some consider primitive) means of communication has always been through IRC (some of you may not even know what that is, slack is the new "thing"). Throughout those years we were developing full-time, launching feature after feature and supporting everyone that came across our little piece of the cryptosphere by any means necessary. Funding ran dry, issues for both the team personally and professionally arose and development came to a halt. What the most ironic part about this, and those who have followed Neos from the start will agree - the market barely moved and if at all, downward on any news, rumors or releases. Our team has never once attempted to orchestrate, participate or initiate any sort of market movement - and that remains true to this day. Our theory was the old "if you build it, they will come" as cliche as that is. We spent our time and focus 100% directed at the technology we were working on and supporting.
Everyone on the team is a crypto "veteran". I myself have been here for just about 5 years, ahmed and I have worked together for nearly the same about of time, phark has been here even longer I believe. With that being said, over the course of time those involved in the community offered suggestions, made requests and offered constructive criticism. Alongside their feedback, we've learned quite a bit on our own through other projects and experiences. Considering everything that had either passed through our eyes or ears - we decided to set out and regroup. The objective being to evenly spread our efforts and resources out between economics and technology.
That said with regard to the market movement as of the past few days - we have absolutely no hand in that. There are many however, that have expressed their own appreciation for it of course as they were able to profit on one level or another. Have we? Not one bit. We have our masternodes in place, the development fund and we're holding tight to every fraction of a Neos those masternodes produce as we know the future holds much more for Neos than what's there. It would be unwise for us to squander what's there. What we need in terms of immediate sustainability and support we use at our discretion.
As far as a scam is concerned, if our track record and current efforts don't speak volumes to you, I can't change your opinion but I can ask that you do not buy a single Neos from the market, sit back, and watch us work.
Great another Dash clone, how original. It must be a scam.Just as some of the greatest projects out there and longest-standing came from one base or another, we didn't create ours entirely from scratch either. To add to that note, we're a descendant of Transfercoin - with some existing slight modifications and major ones to come. We chose it because we've known infernoman (the dev of Transfercoin) for years, were there to witness his never-ending dedication to his work with it and it contained quite a bit of what we were looking for on both an economic and technical level. Masternode concepts and technology in place pave the way for a larger prospect in features we have planned and in the works. Combining that with proof of stake as well as staked masternode rewards and working knowledge of the transfercoin base as it was - it proved to be the perfect foundation for us to build upon. The cost of masternodes are currently quite high - and for great reason - they will be playing a much more prominent role in future features and we need dedicated masternode owners and operators to actually care about the stability, health and function of them.
The efforts and logic behind the economic changesCutting the supply back by 79% was definitely a thought-out move. The idea was to cut the supply down, the markets would adjust (which they have - keeping previously-owned Neos at their true value post-swap), decrease the inflation rate substantially and keep Neos from being just another mined and dumped coin. With micro transactions and fractions of a Neos being worth more than a cent - what we have in the pipeline for the future works very well with this model. Masternodes running take a significant portion of the available money supply off of the markets and thus the revenues generated by them as rewards for the services they provide justify the cost and keep those Neos off of the free market. The more masternodes running, the better.
I hate the website, it's pretty useless and barely contains any information.We hate it too, which is why we're in the process of preparing the new one for launch.
We want a roadmap - show us the roadmap.We're working on preparing it for release shortly and we're pretty damned eager to share. We're not creating a visually-enticing work of art with a list of false promises or floods of terms to distract you from the fact that none of it's ever going to come to fruition. We have and are considering realistic timelines very carefully. In the past, we just announced new features, shut the doors and lights off, and coded until our legs swelled. We all learn from our mistakes eventually and this time around we're using proper planning.
Reddit is empty for a year, they must be scammers.Out of all of the choices for communication: our forum, bitcointalk, twitter, IRC, and reddit - the one we noticed and saw through stats barely anyone paid attention to was reddit. If we're going to be accused of scamming due to others not making use of a means of communication we once provided and maintained - at least change it from Reddit to ICQ or something more interesting.
I'm still not buying into NeosWe don't want you to. We're going to be here coding and doing what we can to enjoy the technology at our disposal regardless of the market price. It's been that way for over two years and will continue to stay that way. Don't believe me? Go have a read on some of our old posts. That's something we've realized most don't do - actually read more than the first few sentences. That said, if you've gotten this far - thank you.
I've heard some rumors of particular partnerships - is it true?Wait for news from us. Check bitcointalk, our forum (forum.neoscoin.com), twitter. We won't be officially announcing anything other than those 3 places likely.
So where do we stand now?We have the following in our immediate to-do:
Both of these will go into more detail as far as our coming plans and releases are concerned.
In closingAs always, if anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. We've always been open and willing to address anything. We're going to be here coding and if the three of us aren't directly responding that's likely the reason why. However, there are many in our community as you've seen that are more than capable and willing to field any questions we might have missed.
Thank you all for your time in reading this.