I am extremmly impressed you have knowledge to do this.
You are the first with this concept and it will be the future for games.
I hope it will be avaible to play soon because i know for sure people will like it a lot
please do note the game client will be closed source due to licencing and server side framework does not have same issue but will be keeping that closed too
its hard work and have had many issues so far, trying to create a scaleble distributed MMO game+framework so I can make other games too is fing hard much more than I thought when started
why: its not the code its the whole darn pipeline and any one of the tech/programs breaks and it throws a massive spanner in the works which I can tell you really sucks (like groundhog day) but I will get it nailed eventually then maybe its the future till then its a buggy idea and money pit
bleudragon everyone that play games will love this idea with ingame payment. It is a future thing. No creditcard or a other payment method where you must wait before it is done. I always saw it as bad thing that ingame payment takes a few seconds before it is done. If you can put this ingame payment in a game then it can be also possible for other games drom other persons? That will be awesome!
Sorry for asking question that i allready must know now i work with photon. I have not any knowledge about codes or things like that. I only can promote products very good. I am happy there are people on the communty that help us or this was not possible for us to do.
I really want to understand and know about your project. It is amazing. I will look for more information.
Let someone else try to do the same as tou do and will see they cant do this. Amazing work!